Dr. Samuel Andrews
Assistant Professor of Law

Dr. Samuel Samiái Andrews is a Professor of Intellectual Property Law and a United States Ambassador’s Distinguished Scholar. He holds a Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) degree from Suffolk University Law School Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2018). He holds an LL.M degree in Intellectual Property Law & Policy from the University of Washington, Seattle, USA (2008). He also holds another LL.M degree in International Law & Jurisprudence (2000) and an LL. B (Honors) degree (1989), all from the University of Uyo, Nigeria. He holds a Barrister-at-law (BL) (1990) diploma from the Nigerian law School, Lagos, and a practicing license from the Supreme Court of Nigeria to practice law in the entire federation of Nigeria.
He has extensive teaching and professional practice experience as an international lawyer and an academic.
- ‘Eyo Masquerade in ‘Gang of Lagos’ film: a sacrilege of intangible cultural heritage or infringement of aspects of intellectual property rights’ Ayoyemi Lawal-Arowolo and Samuel Samiái Andrews (European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 46, Issue 1, 2024)
- ‘Copyright Originality in the Digital Space-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Creatives’ in Handbook on Originality in Copyright: Cases and Materials, edited by Indranath Gupta & Ors. Publisher: Springer (2023) (book chapter).
[Andrews, S.S. (2023). ‘Copyright Originality in the Digital Space: the Saudi Arabia’s Creatives’ in: Gupta, I. (eds) Handbook on Originality in Copyright. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-1144-6_9-1
- ‘Disruptions and Digital Copyright Regime of an African Film Industry: Nollywood’s Present Continuous Path’ in World Intellectual Property Organization-World Trade Organization Colloquium Papers 11 Pages 170-184 (2022).
- ‘Reconceptualizing Alternative Dispute Resolution Ecosystem in the Digital Era: Saudi Arabia’s Online Transactional Engagements’ International Journal of Development and Conflict, (2022) vol. 12 issue 2, pp. 173-181.
- ‘Naijacomedy: A legit ingenious and traditional entrepreneurial laughter within the digital ecosystems and jurisprudence’ Academia Letters (November 2021), https://doi.org/10.20935/AL4113
- ‘Developing a Copyright Curriculum for Nigerian Universities for the Creative Digital Space’ GRUR Journal of European International IP Law. volume 71 (4) 322-334 (2022) (first published 31 December 2021) (Oxford University Press) (GRUR International, 2022; ikab157, https://doi.org/10.1093/grurint/ikab157).
- ‘Digital Strategies in Restorative and Rehabilitative Perspectives of the Criminal Justice Reform Era’ Albany State University Criminal Justice Journal, Vol. 2 No. 1 Page 50 (2020)
- Rethinking Transactional Jurisprudence in Copyright: Nigeria’s Unconscious Edge, 15 Lagos State University Law Journal 165 (2020)
- Globalization, Sovereignty and Ethiopia in the Age of IP Creative Jurisprudence, 4 International Journal of Ethiopian Legal Studies 120-138 (2019); https://journal.uog.edu.et/index.php/IJELS/article/view/84
- Balancing Restorative Justice and Indigenous Traditional System in Criminal Justice Jurisprudence, Journal of Criminology and Forensic Studies (2019)
- Reforming Copyright Law for A Developing Africa, 66 Journal, Copyright Society of the USA Page 1. winter 2019. [66 J. Copyright Soc’y USA 1 (2018)].
- Reconceptualizing International Copyright Law to Protect African Creative Industries, Obafemi Awolowo University Law Journal 1. Page 217-242 (2018). ISSN: 0795-8714.
Selected Media Publications or Mention:
- Thisdaylive.com ‘Does censoring and or banning a movie really work? effective or just political muscle-flexing?’ < Does Censoring or Banning a Movie Really Work? – THISDAYLIVE>
- www.Pulse.ng. ‘Expert urges Nollywood stakeholders to prepare for AI disruption’ <https://www.pulse.ng/news/local/expert-urges-nollywood-stakeholders-to-prepare-for-ai-disruption/1d1p19l.amp> 6 July 2023.
- Juliana Taiwo-Obalonye, ‘Experts urges Nollywood stakeholders to prepare for AI disruption’ <https://sunnewsonline.com/expert-urges-nollywood-stakeholders-to-prepare-for-ai-disruption/> The Sun Newspaper Online (9 July 2023).
- com, ‘Nollywood could see a major boost from the Nigeria’s new copyright law- an expert explains why’ The Conversation Africa (11 April 2023) <https://theconversation.com/nollywood-could-see-a-major-boost-from-nigerias-new-copyright-law-an-expert-explains-why-200507>
- The Sunnewsonline, ‘Piracy: How new Nigerian copyright law protects Nollywood, others-Expert!’ The Sun (Nigeria) <https://sunnewsonline.com/piracy-how-new-nigerian-copyright-law-protects-nollywood-others-expert/> (11 May 2023)
- Podcast-Image Rights by NMashinini ‘Image Rights in Ethiopia with Professor Samuel Andrews’ <https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Xbe43SqLquSEQCBhT37PC?si=FM90p-XJTFiY38eiKBchfQ>
- The Fashion Law, ‘It pays to link products to places-Here’s how African countries can do it’ <https://www.thefashionlaw.com/author/samuel-samiai-andrews/> (March 17, 2021)
- The Cable.ng, ‘Nigeria and its lag in international trade development and treaty polices’ (March 2019) <https://www.thecable.ng/nigeria-and-its-lag-in-international-trade-development-and-treaty-polices>
- The Conversation Africa, Netflix Naija: creative freedom in Nigeria’s emerging digital space? <https://theconversation.com/netflix-naija-creative-freedom-in-nigerias-emerging-digital-space133252?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=bylinefacebookbutton> (March 15, 2020)
- The Conversation Africa, ‘Why it pays to link products to places and how African countries can do it’ <https://theconversation.com/why-it-pays-to-link-products-to-places-and-how-african-countries-can-do-it-151511> (February 22, 2021)
- AfCFTA: Ethiopia, Nigeria, & The New Multilateralism (March 10, 2020) LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/afcfta-ethiopia-africa-new-multilateralism-andrews-esq-/?trackingId=SLk%2BLEKqSFOrNU7T9xrgdQ%3D%3D
- ‘Intellectual Property and Sustained Developmental Justice: Artificial Intelligence Era and A Sustainable Development of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Knowledge (Creative & Innovative Depth) Economy’ Paper presented at the 5th All Africa Intellectual Property Summit, Kigali, Rwanda 28-30 November 2024
- ‘Intellectual Property in Africa’ Conference at Harvard Law School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. USA. 6-8 November 2024- Chair & Moderator of the Session on Draft Submissions to the “Intellectual Property in Africa” Book Project.
- ‘Artificial Intelligence and the First Principles of Creative works: The Nigerian film Industries’ Path’ Paper to be presented at the WIPO-WTO Colloquium for Intellectual Property Teachers and Researchers in Africa organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the DSI-NRF Research Chair: Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development, University of Cape Town (UCT), Cape town, South Africa. 5-8 August 2024.
- ‘Intellectual property and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ attended Academic Sessions and participated in discussion at the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), 42nd Annual Congress at the Luiss University, Rome, Italy 30th June- 3rd July 2024.
- ‘Beyond GI’s Governance in Ethiopia: Covering the field for Indigenous Innovation’ Presentation at the Academic Group Workshop for the Ethiopian Geographical Indications for Origin-Linked Products Project (GOPE). The workshop was organized by the Ethiopian Intellectual Property Authority, Ethiopian Coffee, and Tea Authority & The Fund for Development of Geographical Indications (Facilitًé I G of France) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia- December 5, 2023.
- ‘Intellectual property and contracts: Nigeria’s transactional jurisprudential shift for protecting-enforcing creative rights in the film industry of the digital era’ paper presented at the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), 41st Annual Congress at the University of Tokyo, Japan. 10 July 2023.
- ‘Copyright originality theories of Saudi Arabia in the digital era: choosing from the tripartite (Gordian) knot?’ paper presented at the fifth IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference held at Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 1-3 March 2023.
- PMU International Conference in Futures Studies in Cooperation in with World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), ‘Beyond the Now: Living the Future’ at Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 7-, December 2022: Presented paper titled ‘The Intellectual Property’s Future and Securing Innovation-Creativity for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The Present Continuous Socioeconomic Spaces.’
- International Association of The Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP) 40th Congress (virtual/online event) on 22-24, June 2022 on the theme ‘IPR in times of crises: lessons learned from Covid-19 Pandemic’ Presented Paper entitled: The Creative Ingenuity of Cinematic Digital Era: Nollywood’s Response in the Space of a Pandemic, Covid-19.’
- Censorship and Copyright Law: ‘Film and Law: Legal Challenges pertaining to Censorship and Copyright law in the film and Creative Industry’-Guest Lecturer Presentation at Communication and Legal Ethics Course-Class at INIT International College-Subang, Malaysia- 25 May 2022 (virtual).
- ‘Reconceptualizing Alternative Dispute Resolution Ecosystem in the Digital Era: Saudi Arabia’s Online Transactional Engagements’ Paper Presented at International Conference on Conflict Resolution and Prevention 10 May 2022 (Virtually) organized by International Journal of Development and Conflict (2022).
- “Emerging IP issues in contemporary incorporation of startups” Paper presented virtually at Conference 0.5 on Emerging Legal Issues in Incorporation of Start Ups of SK Associates Group (India) 15 January 2022.
- “Enabling a national economic diversification policy and depending less on a single revenue source: Saudi Arabian and the Arab Gulf’s Path within intellectual property paradigm” Paper presented at 19th International Intellectual Property Law (IIPLA) Conference at Dubai, UAE 20 January 2022.
- Participated as a WIPO-WTO nomineeon an Observer status in the 17th (virtual) WIPO-WTO Colloquium for IP Teachers, Geneva, Switzerland, November 1-12, 2021.
- “Geographical Indications in Developing Economies and A Source of Covering the Field in IP Global Power Structure” Paper Presented at Ajeenkya DY Patil University School of Law (Online-Webinar), India June 19, 2021.
- “Unpacking the Intersectionality of IP’s Limitation Jurisprudence and The Marrakesh Treaty: Disabilities and Expressions in Copyright- Ethiopia, Nigeria & USA” Paper Presented at 2nd IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference & Workshop for IP Teachers and Researchers, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Indonesia., February 27-29, 2020.
- “Developing the Intellectual Property Curriculum in African Law Schools to Protect and Promote the Creative Industries: Case Study on Afrollywood” Paper Presented at WIPO-WTO 16th Colloquium for IP Teachers, Geneva, Switzerland, June 17-27, 2019.
- “Geographical Indications Covering the Fields in Europe and Africa: Closing the Gap in Intellectual Property’s Economic and Creative Power Imbalances-The Continuum” Paper Presented at Second IP Researchers Europe (IPRE), jointly organized by WIPO-WTO & University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. June 28-29, 2019.
- “Developing Indigenous Creative Industries of Asia and Africa: Bollywood, Nollywood & Afrollywood Copyright Conundrum” Paper Presented @ First IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference & Workshop for IP Teachers and Researchers, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. January 31, 2019.
- Cybercriminology, Intellectual Property, Culture, and the New Millennium Crimes: Substantive and Substantial Justice” Paper Presented at Albany State University Faculty Research and Scholarship Recognition Day, March 29, 2019, Albany, Georgia. USA.
- Cybercrime & Economic Development” Paper Presented @ Forensic Science Week of Albany State University, Albany, Georgia, USA, October 8, 2018.
- Submitted Technical Paper “Digital Copyright and Draft Nigerian Copyright Bill (Feb. 10, 2016), Commentary to the Committee of Nigerian Copyright Commission on the Draft Copyright Bill (2015) (as part of amendment processes to Nigeria’s Copyright Laws).
- Presented paper: “Nigeria: Duty and Responsibility in Democratic Governance-Current Issues and Practices.” at an international conference on “An Assessment of Nigeria’s Democracy Journey So Far,” Open Society Initiative for West Africa in Abuja, Nigeria 2002.
- Center for Advanced Study and Research on Innovation Policy (CASRIP) Seattle, Washington, USA, University of Washington Seattle USA scholarship Award to attend and participate in “Transnational Intellectual Property Law Conference,” University Roma Tre, Italy by Centre for Advanced Study & Research on Intellectual Property, 2008.
International Bar Association, Member; Nigerian Bar Association, Member; American Intellectual Property Law Association, Member; Copyright Society of the USA, Member; Intellectual Property & Innovation Researchers of Asia, Member; International Association for the Advancement of the Teaching & Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP) member; The Federalist Society (member).
Teaching Area:
Intellectual Property Policy, Copyright, Digital Copyright, Criminal Justice, Comparative law, Social Justice, Criminology, Cybercriminology, International Intellectual Property, Jurisprudence & International Trade Law & Policy, Politics & law, Legal Writing and Research Methodology, Business & Commercial Law, Employment & Labor law, Comparative Property Law, Global Legal Systems, Psychology & Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Legal Ethics, Contract law, Constitutional Law, Tort Law, Corporation (company) Law, Criminal Law.
Research Area:
Cybercrime, Traditional Cultural Expressions, Geographical Indications, Law, Culture & Technology, African Creative Industries: Food, Films & Fashion Laws, Nollywood | African films, International Human Rights & Intellectual Property Rights, Artificial Intelligence and Traditional Cultural Expressions, Race Theories, IP for Creative Industries, Criminal Justice and Social Justice, Creativity, Indigenous Creations and Innovation Law of the Gulf Cooperation Council States & the Arab Nations.